This scripture is a cornerstone of my personal faith.
Today on Twitter I saw a post concerning a christian minister who is reportedly blaming Hurricane Sandy on homosexuals. This pretty much got me up on my soapbox in about 2 seconds flat. Nothing makes me madder than when Christians publicly judge and tear down any group of people. Why? Because when 1 christian passes judgment, it reflects on all of us. It turns hearts and minds against God.
The link on Twitter was to a Gay and Lesbian website, and did seem somewhat inflammatory. So I decided to look the minister up online when I got home. I found his blog, and while he wasn't quite as blatant as the article portrayed him, he was pretty close. (I am not posting either link here because I really don't want to link my blog to them. If you really want to know, leave me a message and I will send you the info)
Here is my issue. I have no problem with the notion that homosexuality is a sin. If that is what you believe, okay. For myself, I am not sure. This is primarily because I feel that sin is a deeply personal thing between each person and God. Homosexuality is not an issue in my walk with God, but I have plenty other issues. I am certainly not without sin so based on the scripture above, I have no right to judge.
Maybe I am just naive, maybe my faith is to simplistic. If it is, well I think I am okay with that. Don't judge me too harshly, okay?