I almost let Sunday get away from me! If I don't do this first thing in the morning, it probably isn't going to happen most days. I just let myself get too distracted by other things and before I know it, it's time to start another day! But since I am participating in the 31 Days Challenge, I thought I better make the effort! :)
Today was actually a pretty good day, I woke up to cooler temperatures thanks to a nice cool front that blew in late the night before. Before church I went out to visit my grandtoy, Becca, and her mommy. Mommy is recovering from gallbladder surgery so she is staying with family until she has the all clear from the doctor to resume full-time baby duty. For me this means some extra snuggling time and I could not pass that up!
Isn't she the cutest thing!
After church I came back home and was very lazy. Well, I did manage to get my laundry done, but that's about it. And all the while I was thinking about this post and how I needed to sit down and do it. Have I mentioned before that I am a master procrastinator?? (They do say the first step to overcoming is admitting that you have a problem...)
It's really a good thing I already had an idea what I wanted to write about today: snail mail. See, two of my favorite bloggers wrote posts this week about the lost art of sending and receiving actual mail. You remember the stuff I'm talking about, right? Paper and pen. Sometime a pretty or funny card. Something personal written inside. That kind of thing. First I saw this post over at "My Antidepressant Life" about Reverse birthday letters. What is a reverse birthday letter? Well, basically instead of sitting around checking her mailbox for birthday cards every year, Jerimi writes letters to people who have touched her life in some way and sends them out on her birthday. One letter for each year of her life. Now, I won't tell you how many letters that is, but it's more than a handful. Needless to say, I was impressed and inspired by her post. And if I am honest, a little grateful my birthday had already passed!
But you want to know the best part? The very same day I read that post I got a letter in the mail from Jerimi! I felt so blessed and special, to think that she would take the time to write to me on her birthday! Later in the week I found another post along the same line at "Cathy's Voice Now". Her post is titled Save an empty mailbox. Cathy to is interested in recapturing the thrill of sending and receiving actual mail. At the end of her post she offered up a challenge to her readers to write a letter or send a card to someone special.
Both these ladies reminded me of a commitment I made at the first of the year to send out snail mail. I even wrote a post about it. And at first I did pretty well. But as with most of my plans, I hit a snag. Life got in the way and I started thinking "I'll do that next week". Well, I think it's next week. And I am going to write and send out some snail mail. What about you? Join the fun and send someone special a note or a card. I guarantee it will make their day!
And every word I wrote was true. You are a blessing.