Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.~ Hebrews 11:1
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Praise Him wherever you are
I saw this a while back (probably on Facebook) and I saved it. Maybe someone out there needs this today.
Have a beautiful day! :)
Monday, July 29, 2013
A new addition!
So, I haven't been around much lately. Oh, I have been posting my Friday Funnies, but that's it. Nothing of an substance has proceeded from my heart into this little corner of cyberspace. I have started several posts, but none of them have felt right. So they sit in my drafts file, waiting for me to decide if they will be completed.
In the meantime, life goes on. My grandtoy was born last Wednesday. And what is a "grandtoy", you ask? Well, a grandtoy is what you get when your deceased best friend/husband's cousin's oldest daughter has her 1st child:
Meet little Ms. Rebecca, Becca for short. Technically she is my cousin. In my heart, she is something of a granddaughter, but I don't want to step on any toes by officially claiming that title. I am good with being whatever she wants, so long as I get to be in her life. Hence "grandtoy", a beautiful and loveable baby girl for me to spoil!
Just for fun (and because I am a photo hoarder who has collected all the family photos I can get my hands on) here is one of Grandma Becky with her mommy in 1971:
And here is Becky and Ashley (Becca's mommy) in 1990:
And so we come full circle:
Becky would be so proud! :)
In the meantime, life goes on. My grandtoy was born last Wednesday. And what is a "grandtoy", you ask? Well, a grandtoy is what you get when your deceased best friend/husband's cousin's oldest daughter has her 1st child:
Meet little Ms. Rebecca, Becca for short. Technically she is my cousin. In my heart, she is something of a granddaughter, but I don't want to step on any toes by officially claiming that title. I am good with being whatever she wants, so long as I get to be in her life. Hence "grandtoy", a beautiful and loveable baby girl for me to spoil!
Just for fun (and because I am a photo hoarder who has collected all the family photos I can get my hands on) here is one of Grandma Becky with her mommy in 1971:
And here is Becky and Ashley (Becca's mommy) in 1990:
And so we come full circle:
Becky would be so proud! :)
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Forever and ever my friend. |
Friday, July 26, 2013
Friday Funnies
Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have lots of ideas for posts, I just haven't taken the time to set down and type them out. It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions for me this week, losing my friend Lisa last Friday and getting to meet my new (honorary) granddaughter yesterday. I want to write it all down, to share my impressions before they get lost in the morass that is my memory. But not today, today is for the funnies! So, let's get to it!
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For the record, I don't read horoscopes, but this was too funny to pass up! |
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If I did, this would be so true.... |
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Under no circumstances will I ever show this to my hubby, he might do it! |
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wouldn't you HATE to be the person assigned to put up all those signs! |
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LOL! |
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I could use a magic wardrobe or printer about now! |
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for my pharmacy friends! |
Wishing you a Friday full of humor and smiles! Have a great weekend! God Bless!
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working on it! |
Sunday, July 21, 2013
She WON!
I have been trying to write this post in my head since I heard the news. My friend and coworker Lisa is gone. She passed away peacefully at home Friday morning, after a long struggle with cancer. I am sad, so sad for the loss of her beautiful light in this world. For her husband and sons, for her mother, and for all her friends and extended family. I am sad for the future lost. But I am also happy. Happy that she is free from cancer, free from pain, and wrapped securely in the loving arms of God.
My first really clear memory of Lisa is from several years ago. She had been working with us in the pharmacy for a while and we ended up on a road trip together. Actually, there were 5 of us crammed in a car meant to seat only 4, and I was the front seat passenger due to my tendency toward motion-sickness. I was also the lowest ranking person in that car. A lowly tech on a road trip with the pharmacy director, 2 assistant directors, and a pharmacist (Lisa), and 3 of those folks were crammed in the back seat because of me. Talk about a fish out of water! I am not sure I ever felt more out of place and unsure of myself in my life. Somehow we all survived the day relatively unscathed and the following day Lisa hands me this card. In it she had written a long note praising my work on the trip and encouraging me. It was such a great feeling, being appreciated like that. She made me feel special. She made me feel like my contribution to the trip had been important and not the imposition I am sure it was to many in that car. I am sure she never realized the impact she made on me that day.
And thus began our friendship. Much of the time it was very one-sided. Lisa was the type of person who gave of herself to everyone in her orbit but never asked for anything for herself. A strong woman of faith, she placed all her cares and worries with God. She very rarely asked anything of anyone but was always more than willing to give. There was not a task beneath her if it meant being of service to someone else. Even when facing the trials of cancer treatment, she was always seeking to serve others, to focus on their needs and concerns.
A little over a year ago I felt God leading me to re-start the prayer group at work. It had been done twice before, but after a few months it had fizzled and died from lack of involvement. I wanted to revive it and maintain it (with the blessing of management-have I mentioned I work in a wonderful place with wonderful people??). So, I sent out emails to several people that I knew had been involved before and of course, Lisa was the first to respond with "I'm in!". And she was 110%. She attending meetings and sent in requests for others, but almost never for herself. she would ask for prayer for her family, her doctor and medical team, for her friends and coworkers, but I would have to push to get her to ask for anything for herself.
A few months ago, when she learned that the chemo was no longer working she sent in a prayer request that was typical Lisa; it was a request for everyone else in her life. It stuck with me because it so clearly illustrates her heart. It was titled "me me me me", but it was anything but selfish. She explained what was happening and then asked for prayer for her husband and family to have "understanding-lean on God-joy for the end result (I win!)" and for her doctor "May God lift her up, hold her tight, and re-affirm He has her where she is best used for His Kingdom". In closing she said "I pray that what I am going through will have a positive impact on God's world and that each of you will come to know Christ as your personal savior, or become stronger in the faith. May my illness have that impact on this little corner of the world!!". Typical Lisa, loving God and his people first.
Lisa never knew it, but she is one of my mentor's in my walk of faith. Her life exemplified what it means to be a follower of Christ. I will spend the rest of my days learning from her example. Her light and love will not ever be forgotten by those of us fortunate enough to have spent time in her presence.
I love you my friend, thank you for everything. You definitely won! :)
My first really clear memory of Lisa is from several years ago. She had been working with us in the pharmacy for a while and we ended up on a road trip together. Actually, there were 5 of us crammed in a car meant to seat only 4, and I was the front seat passenger due to my tendency toward motion-sickness. I was also the lowest ranking person in that car. A lowly tech on a road trip with the pharmacy director, 2 assistant directors, and a pharmacist (Lisa), and 3 of those folks were crammed in the back seat because of me. Talk about a fish out of water! I am not sure I ever felt more out of place and unsure of myself in my life. Somehow we all survived the day relatively unscathed and the following day Lisa hands me this card. In it she had written a long note praising my work on the trip and encouraging me. It was such a great feeling, being appreciated like that. She made me feel special. She made me feel like my contribution to the trip had been important and not the imposition I am sure it was to many in that car. I am sure she never realized the impact she made on me that day.
And thus began our friendship. Much of the time it was very one-sided. Lisa was the type of person who gave of herself to everyone in her orbit but never asked for anything for herself. A strong woman of faith, she placed all her cares and worries with God. She very rarely asked anything of anyone but was always more than willing to give. There was not a task beneath her if it meant being of service to someone else. Even when facing the trials of cancer treatment, she was always seeking to serve others, to focus on their needs and concerns.
A little over a year ago I felt God leading me to re-start the prayer group at work. It had been done twice before, but after a few months it had fizzled and died from lack of involvement. I wanted to revive it and maintain it (with the blessing of management-have I mentioned I work in a wonderful place with wonderful people??). So, I sent out emails to several people that I knew had been involved before and of course, Lisa was the first to respond with "I'm in!". And she was 110%. She attending meetings and sent in requests for others, but almost never for herself. she would ask for prayer for her family, her doctor and medical team, for her friends and coworkers, but I would have to push to get her to ask for anything for herself.
A few months ago, when she learned that the chemo was no longer working she sent in a prayer request that was typical Lisa; it was a request for everyone else in her life. It stuck with me because it so clearly illustrates her heart. It was titled "me me me me", but it was anything but selfish. She explained what was happening and then asked for prayer for her husband and family to have "understanding-lean on God-joy for the end result (I win!)" and for her doctor "May God lift her up, hold her tight, and re-affirm He has her where she is best used for His Kingdom". In closing she said "I pray that what I am going through will have a positive impact on God's world and that each of you will come to know Christ as your personal savior, or become stronger in the faith. May my illness have that impact on this little corner of the world!!". Typical Lisa, loving God and his people first.
Lisa never knew it, but she is one of my mentor's in my walk of faith. Her life exemplified what it means to be a follower of Christ. I will spend the rest of my days learning from her example. Her light and love will not ever be forgotten by those of us fortunate enough to have spent time in her presence.
I love you my friend, thank you for everything. You definitely won! :)
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Friday, July 19, 2013
Friday Funnies
Happy Friday! I have been continuing my break from blogging this week and loving it! Not that I have not been thinking about it, I have. A lot. And I am going to be posting, just maybe not as often. We will see. ANYWAY! How about some funnies??
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I will save you the trouble, I am crazy! |
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self portrait |
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I just love this! Need to apply it to my daily life, it would really freak out my coworkers! ;) |
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Way to talk him down! |
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real life is highly over rated! |
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Awww! |
I hope you got a laugh from these! Now, I am off to work! Have a great day! God Bless!
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Something to remember |
Saturday, July 13, 2013
A favorite quote: It's all about Love
Writing Prompt: Favorite Quote and why you love it.
This one is not so easy. How do I pick just one quote?? Like a lot of bloggers I collect quotes, I love them. I jot them down in my journal, I post them here, I share them on Facebook and Twitter. I don't think I can pick just one!.....
At least that was what I thought when I started this post. My plan had been to share several of my favorite quotes. But the more I sit here looking at my computer the more I think I can narrow it down to just one, in fact I am sure of it.
My choice is Chapter 13 of 1st Corinthians. I know, it's a long quote. But the whole chapter is so beautifully written and speaks so clearly to me about what should be the most important aspect of my faith: Love. The rules and obligations of religion don't matter, what matters is love. We can stand in pulpits and preach the laws of God, we can shout it from the rooftops, we can protest with signs and march in parades, but are we missing the point? Because without love, what do our words matter? If people look at the followers of Christ and see only judgement then we have failed in our sole purpose, to share the love of God and the sacrifice of His son. This chapter speaks directly to this point, illustrating it with beauty and simplicity:
If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly;
it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease;
if there is knowledge, it will be done away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. "
I wrote this in response to a prompt in the "Blog Everyday Challenge", which I am not participating in. At least not everyday! :)
This one is not so easy. How do I pick just one quote?? Like a lot of bloggers I collect quotes, I love them. I jot them down in my journal, I post them here, I share them on Facebook and Twitter. I don't think I can pick just one!.....
At least that was what I thought when I started this post. My plan had been to share several of my favorite quotes. But the more I sit here looking at my computer the more I think I can narrow it down to just one, in fact I am sure of it.
My choice is Chapter 13 of 1st Corinthians. I know, it's a long quote. But the whole chapter is so beautifully written and speaks so clearly to me about what should be the most important aspect of my faith: Love. The rules and obligations of religion don't matter, what matters is love. We can stand in pulpits and preach the laws of God, we can shout it from the rooftops, we can protest with signs and march in parades, but are we missing the point? Because without love, what do our words matter? If people look at the followers of Christ and see only judgement then we have failed in our sole purpose, to share the love of God and the sacrifice of His son. This chapter speaks directly to this point, illustrating it with beauty and simplicity:
"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly;
it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease;
if there is knowledge, it will be done away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. "
I wrote this in response to a prompt in the "Blog Everyday Challenge", which I am not participating in. At least not everyday! :)
Friday, July 12, 2013
Friday Funnies
Happy Friday! I have been taking a bloggy break this week but I felt the need to keep up with my Friday Funnies. After all, what the internet needs is more smiles!
I hope these brought a smile! Have a great day and I will see you soon. God Bless you and yours!
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And from the looks of things, a bad attitude! |
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And such a pretty one at that |
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LOL! |
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Yes, you are! |
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Truth |
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Good game! |
I hope these brought a smile! Have a great day and I will see you soon. God Bless you and yours!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Sunday thoughts on failing
So, this morning I overslept and missed church. I have been struggling with a stupid ear infection which makes me dizzy and head-achy. To top that off I have hives or something and have been itching in patches all over my body. May I just say, I do not handle discomfort with grace. Especially itching. To be blunt, I am a complainer. A whiner. I am also a big believer in better living through medication, hence why I overslept this morning.
So, here I sit on my couch contemplating life in all its complexities and feeling a bit like I have failed God. See, my church is small and frankly struggling. I joined the praise and worship team last year (at God's leading) to help out my beloved Pastors, not because I had any desire to be on stage. I was terrified of the microphone. I was timid and shy (something people who know me well would wonder at) and afraid to project. I was about as far out of my comfort zone as I could get.
Right from the start, despite my fears and anxiety, I knew I was where God wanted me to be, because as soon as the music started I was no longer afraid. I was able to truly worship, even with the microphone in my hand and all those eyes watching me (and minds judging me). And slowly my confidence has grown and my fears and anxieties have diminished. I know in my heart that is because I am where God wants me to be. But sometimes I give in to the fear, sometimes I allow myself to be lazy. Like today. Yeah, I know, I am sick. My ears hurt, my head hurts, I feel like poo. But here's the thing, if today were Monday I would be at work. Because I have a responsibility to be there (and because I like having a job and getting paid). So, by sitting here on my couch right now I am basically saying that God is not my greatest priority, right?
See, I have failed. Again. Really, I wonder why He even puts up with me. But that's the thing. He does. And more than that, He gives me the chance to try again. And again. Oh, and please note, I said I failed, not that I am a failure. Once upon a time, in the not too distant past I would have freely used that word. I would have worn it with a kind of sad pride. FAILURE. So many of us wear that word like a name badge, "Hi my name isTamara Failure". We shouldn't. We fail, we fall short. But we are not failures. We are forgiven, we are loved, we are uplifted by strong arms that never fail. And we are given the chance to do better. So, next Sunday I will try again.
So, here I sit on my couch contemplating life in all its complexities and feeling a bit like I have failed God. See, my church is small and frankly struggling. I joined the praise and worship team last year (at God's leading) to help out my beloved Pastors, not because I had any desire to be on stage. I was terrified of the microphone. I was timid and shy (something people who know me well would wonder at) and afraid to project. I was about as far out of my comfort zone as I could get.
Right from the start, despite my fears and anxiety, I knew I was where God wanted me to be, because as soon as the music started I was no longer afraid. I was able to truly worship, even with the microphone in my hand and all those eyes watching me (and minds judging me). And slowly my confidence has grown and my fears and anxieties have diminished. I know in my heart that is because I am where God wants me to be. But sometimes I give in to the fear, sometimes I allow myself to be lazy. Like today. Yeah, I know, I am sick. My ears hurt, my head hurts, I feel like poo. But here's the thing, if today were Monday I would be at work. Because I have a responsibility to be there (and because I like having a job and getting paid). So, by sitting here on my couch right now I am basically saying that God is not my greatest priority, right?
See, I have failed. Again. Really, I wonder why He even puts up with me. But that's the thing. He does. And more than that, He gives me the chance to try again. And again. Oh, and please note, I said I failed, not that I am a failure. Once upon a time, in the not too distant past I would have freely used that word. I would have worn it with a kind of sad pride. FAILURE. So many of us wear that word like a name badge, "Hi my name is
I have shared this before, but I think it bares repeating. |
Saturday, July 6, 2013
My life in 250 words or less
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Yep, that's me. |
I was born in Annadale, VA on the hottest day of the summer of 1971. I don't have any clear memories of my early childhood, just an impression of being loved and cared for by my parents. When I was 5 my parents divorced and my mom and I moved back to her home state of Texas while my dad remained in the Virginia/Maryland area. Within a year I had 2 separate families where once there had been only one. When I was 11 my mom, stepdad and I moved to a small town where I fell in love for the first and last time (at age 20 I married him). At age 13 I accepted Christ as my savior, though in truth I did not fully understand what that meant (at age 41 I am still learning what it means!). Somewhere along the way I developed a love for cats. My hubby and I have a house full now and I can't imagine my life without them. We never had kids. I didn’t even want them until I was in my 30’s and then it seemed God had other plans. I still live in that small town, near my mom. Where she goes I go and my husband is very aware of this and amazingly accepting. I have been blessed with many friends and a loving family, a job I enjoy, and a patient and tolerate God who is slowly leading my stubborn soul into maturity.
It took some time but I got it down to 248! It's hard to look at you entire life and try to decide what's really important. What shaped you? What made you the person the world sees every day? To be honest, I left out some important stuff. Stuff that involves other people who may not want their business aired on my blog. And stuff that simply can't be stuffed into a 248 word description.But I think I covered the basics...
I wrote this in response to the first writing prompt in the "Blog Everyday Challenge", which I am not participating in. At least not everyday! :)
Friday, July 5, 2013
Friday Funnies!
Happy Friday!! I hope everyone had a stress and drama free week. Mine was fairly uneventful, except for a lovely inner ear infection brought on by my attempts to spend more time in my pool. Let me tell you, ear infections are no fun! I'll be so happy when this one has cleared up and I can get back to my pool (with ear plugs this time). But anyway! How about some funnies to get this Friday started off right?
And a bonus in honor of yesterday's July 4th celebrations. This one completely reflects my thoughts on my neighbors setting off fireworks!
I hope you got a kick out of these and are now properly prepared to face your day! Have a great one!
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I have NO idea why I find this funny, but I do! |
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and now I have that song stuck in my head. How about you? |
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Looks like a conversation I could have! |
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Sadly, I find this hilarious |
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for the record, not my cats ;) |
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more trekkie humor. |
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This one is for my friend Elizabeth. She will know why... |
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as a child of the 70's, I think I am offended that they used a phone from the 40's for this! ;) |
And a bonus in honor of yesterday's July 4th celebrations. This one completely reflects my thoughts on my neighbors setting off fireworks!
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'nough said! |
I hope you got a kick out of these and are now properly prepared to face your day! Have a great one!
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Amen |
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Taking a break....or not
So, my plan for July is was to take a break from blogging. I think I am burnt out from trying to write even when I am not really inspired to do so and it shows. So this morning I decided rather than try to write I would catch up on a few of my favorite blogs.
My first stop was My Purple Dreams. Violet is participating in the Blog Everyday Challenge and of course, her post for Day 1 caught my eye:
Day 1: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)
This prompt tickled my fancy so I clicked over to have a look at the other prompts. It looks promising. BUT, I really don't think I am up to another full month of writing daily. After all I just finished NaBloPoMo for June and I did NOT do well at all. Writing everyday is hard, and it's even harder when you aren't feeling any inspiration. And that is how I write, I have to be inspired or the words just do not flow.
I am not going to let myself get drawn into another challenge I can't complete. But I think I will take a stab at a few of the prompts from this challenge that interest me. So, be on the look out! And thanks to Violet for providing me with some new inspiration! I hope you will click over and check out her blog and follow her progress throughout the month! :)
My first stop was My Purple Dreams. Violet is participating in the Blog Everyday Challenge and of course, her post for Day 1 caught my eye:
Day 1: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)
This prompt tickled my fancy so I clicked over to have a look at the other prompts. It looks promising. BUT, I really don't think I am up to another full month of writing daily. After all I just finished NaBloPoMo for June and I did NOT do well at all. Writing everyday is hard, and it's even harder when you aren't feeling any inspiration. And that is how I write, I have to be inspired or the words just do not flow.
I am not going to let myself get drawn into another challenge I can't complete. But I think I will take a stab at a few of the prompts from this challenge that interest me. So, be on the look out! And thanks to Violet for providing me with some new inspiration! I hope you will click over and check out her blog and follow her progress throughout the month! :)
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Don't forget to sow some love into your day! |
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