Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday thoughts and pictures

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. ~Isaiah 49:16

I saw that scripture somewhere on Facebook this week and I had to share it. I'm sure we can all think of someone who has the name of their child tattooed somewhere on their body. That's what I think of when I read this, only the name is mine and the hands are the kindest, gentlest, strongest hands my heart can imagine. It is a beautiful thought, isn't it? 
I survived my first week on the later shift. I can't say I'm in love with it, but I made it through and I think it may be okay. I don't know, time will tell. I am still resentful of the circumstances surrounding the changes, but there isn't much to be done about it, so I am trying to move on.
That leads me to something I saw on a friend's Facebook page today, it was so perfect that I had to 'borrow' it! 

My first adventure upon the discovery of time travel, will be to go back in time & find whomever decided 2 days off was plenty of time to recover from/deal with 5 days of work & give them a resounding thwack upon the head.

 Right?!?! I can so get behind that plan!
How about some inspiration and smiles from my computer files? Would you like that? 

the only math that really matters

I am blessed with a man with a great sense of humor!

Don't become your own obstacle!

Well, that's all for now. I have had a busy day and I still have some work ahead of me before I can go to bed. So, I'm off! Have a great day and a beautiful week! :)


  1. My husband and I sat outside for almost an hour just laughing at the peeps today!!

  2. I hope the shift gets easier for you. I was doing both shifts here for a week as my coworker was on bereavement and it was necessary. I can't stand the late shift as I have to go in so early that I feel like I walk in the door and have to go back. Thank you for those nuggets of thought! All so true!


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