Thursday, November 22, 2012

It's Thursday and I'm thankful.......

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Can I be honest? I am not feeling the thankfulness. Not at the moment anyway. It's been a tough week emotionally. I am just feeling blah. It doesn't help that my plans for the day got trashed at the last minute. This brought on a storm of tears and a minor anxiety attack....while at work. Not my best moment of the week.

I could give you a list of things that are bugging me. I could give you my sob story. but it's Thanksgiving and really, I want to be thankful. So I am going to count my blessings for just a minute, okay?

Here we go (in no particular order):
  1. I am alive an well
  2. My husband 
  3. I am saved and forgiven
  4. My mom
  5. My dad
  6. My sisters
  7. My nieces and nephews and cousins 
  8. my fur babies
  9. My aunts 
  10. My job
  11. This blog
  12. All the blogs I have found since I started blogging
  13. My friends
  14. 4 day weekend
  15. Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social networking sites I have recently connected with
  16. NaBloPoMo
  17. Fanbolt and the reviews I have the chance to write
  18. My love of reading
  19. music
  20. audio books
  21. my computer
  22. The Falling Skies blog! :)
  23. TV shows that inspire my imagination and curiosity
  24. the memories of friends and family that have left this world
  25. you, for taking the time to read my list.
Okay, I feel better now. I am gonna go make a late breakfast and then make some Thanksgiving Day  phone calls, texts, and Facebook posts.

I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for stopping by to share a little bit of your day with me!


  1. Love this! Might have to borrow the graphic, too :) Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks! And you can borrow away! :-)
      Hope you have a very blessed thanksgiving!


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