Monday, December 31, 2012

be the message

I read this on Facebook the other day and it got me thinking. How many years have I lived my life expecting that just because I said I am a christian that it was enough? That because I went to church and read my bible that people were somehow impacted by that? I know I have spent the better part of my life in blissful ignorance of whether or not I was even impacting another person for God.

I wasn't always so lazy in my faith. I was saved as a teenager and was very active in my church and talked about my love for God all the time. But over time, my enthusiasm waned. And that's not all, as I matured I became more and more aware of people who did not appreciate my attempts to "save" them. Without making a conscious decision I slowly stopped sharing my faith, stopped living my faith. And that led where it always leads, to a life that has wandered away from God.

It's almost the New Year. A time for resolutions, for rededicating yourself to  the things you let slip in the previous year (or years). So, I am going to take this opportunity to rededicate myself to being the message. I don't have to preach, I don't have to get my bible and beat the "unsaved" with it. I just have to do my best to live the life that God has given me in the way that he directs. And he will do the rest.

 I thank you for this word, this reminder that I am called to live a life that reflects your love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. I ask that you walk with me through each day and keep my eyes focused on the path. I am human, I am weak. I am so easily distracted and led astray. I need you. Help me to be the best reflection of you I can be. Help me to live your message, to be your message to the world. Amen


  1. It's strange the way God reminds us of what He wants us to be doing, isn't it? lol I can't wait to read about the ways you move closer to Him, and I'll be praying for you!

    1. Thank you! More than anything, I appreciate your prayers. Thank you for stopping by and for commenting! I LOVE comments! :)

  2. Hi, Tamara! Your posts are so inspirational. 2012 hasn't been an easy year for me (in terms of career and financial stuff), but 2012 marks the year I started renewing my relationship with the Lord.I may not talk much about it in my blogs, but I do seek and read posts like yours to inspire my fragile faith.

    1. Marie,I think we all have those moments of fragile faith. I know I look for blogs that inspire and lift me up when I am struggling. it's nice to know that you find some inspiration here. God bless you and I will keep you in my prayers. :)


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