Thursday, January 3, 2013

What is your favorite way to recharge when you feel drained of energy?

When I feel drained, I sleep. And I sleep a lot. More than I think is healthy. For years it has been my preferred method for dealing with stress. Upset me and I won't stay up all night plotting revenge or arguing with you, I will sleep.

I have pretty severe sleep apnea, and it went undiagnosed for at least a year because I slept through it. My brain kept me moving all night to keep me breathing, but I never woke up. As a child I slept through a tornado right outside my bedroom window. As an adult I slept through a hurricane.

But, you know, I am not sure I would say sleep is my favorite way to recharge. My default, yeah. But my favorite? No, I think that would have to be reading and writing. Writing is still pretty new to me, and nothing gives a bigger thrill than seeing those page views go up! Now, reading has been with me for as long as I can remember. I loved having stories read to me as a child, and once I figured out reading for myself, I was never without something to occupy me.

Over the years, I have gradually spent less and less time reading. Discovering the blogosphere has changed that. It has inspired me and renewed my enthusiasm for reading. I haven't really set any firm resolutions in place for 2013, but I would like to read more. That seems to be a worthwhile goal. One that will recharge and inspire me in new ways.

While I am thinking about it, I want to share with you a great novella I just finished. It is called Carson's Love and is a beautiful story of love and remembering what's really important in life. Here is a link, I highly recommend it!

Hey, don't forget to stop over at my "Thursday Thankfulness" page to see what I am thankful for today! :-)

This post is in response to today's NaBloPoMo writing prompt! 


  1. Thanks for the recommendation of the novella; I'll have to check that out! Great post!

    1. thanks for stopping by and for commenting, Charlie. I hope you enjoy Carson's Love. :)

  2. What a thoughtful post. Sleep is one of my defaults too, but I've also found it's not necessarily my favorite or even my most effective. Way to go!

    1. thanks! I am trying to be as honest in my answers to these prompts as I can,it's wonderful to get positive feedback! :)

  3. Sleep is how I deal with a lot of lifes stresses...if I'm angry, sad or ill I tend to sleep it off. That said, I went through severe insomnia when I was heartbroken and I think being unable to sleep through the pain of it all just made the situation more difficult to deal with.

    Sleep is my cure for most things :)

    1. Loki,I drive my poor hubby crazy because when we argue I can just go to bed and sleep it off while he is up all night stewing.Then I wake up in a whole new world and he is still angry! sleep is definitely my friend!

  4. I think many of us can relate to sleeping thru things ... I coulda slept through both pregnancies. sigh.

    stopping by from NaBloPoMo, found this to be a toughtful post!

  5. I swear, if I had all the time in the world, I'd probably do nothing but read books. Definitely my number one choice when it comes to 'recharging'. Nothing like getting lost in someone else's world for an hour or so to recharge that battery!

    1. Rhye,my mom retired from her job last spring and I don't think she has done anything other than read since then!She is having a blast! :)

  6. I llllloooovvveee reading. Definitely my favorite thing to do to relax.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I will have to stop by to visit you soon! :)


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