Monday, January 14, 2013

Strength or Speed?

As a superhero, would you rather have extreme strength or extreme speed?


Watching my cats zip around this morning, I think I might have to pick speed. They wear me out just watching them. :)

For those who tuned in yesterday, the procedure went well. By well I mean there were no unforeseen problems. Hubby is in a lot of pain and we have been up and down all night. This was expected (though not appreciated) and I arranged to be home with him today. Not that I can do anything, really. But sometimes just being here helps (I hope).

Please keep praying for him, that this procedure will help his pain in the long term.

but I really don't want my love to endure this pain....


  1. I'll take speed every time. :-)

    1. I know, right! Oh, to be able to fast forward through the tough parts of life!

  2. Prayers are with you and your husband. I would have to go with strength although speed is tempting!


    1. Thank you Kathy! I appreciate you and your encouraging spirit!

  3. Cats certainly seem to get a lot out of zooming around as if they have rockets attached, don't they? I can see why "speed" would be a great choice. I'm so glad the procedure went well - I hope he gets good results from it.

    1. Thanks Jerimi. I'm glad you stopped by and left a comment. Comments always make me smile! :)


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